How to know if you are ready to relocate to another country? Answer these 4 questions.

One would think that it is a matter of deciding and then simply executing – and it is true to some extend. But whether relocation to another country is a good decision for you personally – it is a whole different beast! Was the relocation to another country the best decision for our family? We will discuss it when we grow old (but really … how can you tell what would happen if we would not relocate?). Certainly we have spent a fair amount of time considering what would be the best option for us, and as a result, never regretted moving. At the end of the day, relocation is a big deal, so if you can test your assumptions and as a result be a little more certain of your decision, there is no harm in doing so. Look within and be honest. I hope that contemplating these 4 questions will help.

1. What priorities you have in your life?

In other words, what aspects of life are the most important to you? I know, this is the hardest question EVER (for me at least). But this is the question I highly recommend considering first, just to avoid all the disappointment later. If you struggle to decide what are your priorities, focus on the things you do NOT want in your life. Or list the things you would like to change in your life.

If the most important “thing” in life is your extended family and friends who live in the same city and you see them often – the relocation may be super hard. Frankly, even if it is only one person, and this person doesn’t want or can’t relocate – it may be impossible for you to relocate for this sole reason. Another example would be if you value your job, passion or profession the most, and you can only do that in your country. Occupations like accounting, law (unless it is an international accounting or law), medicine or history is often strongly tied to a particular country.

After answering this question, you may decide that relocation is not needed or optimal to fulfill your priorities. And there is an additional bonus: you do not have to read the rest of this post. 😉

2. What type of person are you?

If you are curious about people, cultures, if you like adventures, if you are optimist in all circumstances, the relocation may be easier, or even enjoyable for you. On the other hand, if you love your life as it is now, you love your routine, and hate change, the relocation to another country may be a hard thing to do, as relocation is basically all change. The change of not only surroundings, social norms and culture, but also inevitable change in you.

You can do a simple exercise, sit in a quiet place with a cup of tea/coffee and daydream on how you would feel living in another country. Try to come up with as many details as possible and pay attention to how you feel about them – what you like, and what you fear. This may help you to decide whether relocation is for you or not.

3. What are you able to sacrifice?

With every big change, there are some losses to be expected. This is a painful side of relocation, and therefore requires thorough thinking. What type of losses are you able to accept? The first one would be that living in another country takes you away from your family. Please try to imagine how it would feel to not see your parents for the next 3 years. You can guess that the number comes from the experience, and typing it made my heart skip a beat… For me this is the hardest part of living in another country. Would it be for you?

There are of course some other inevitable losses such as leaving your current job (at least physically), some (or most) of your friends and colleagues, access to your favourite places and foods, and potentially most of your belongings. Consider carefully what you can accept, and most importantly, what would be too hard and make this whole relocation not worth for you.

4. Why do you even want to move to another country?

Articulate out loud WHY you really want to move abroad, it is important that you are crystal clear on that. Relocation will be easier for you if leaving in another country is your long-held dream. If you almost can’t breathe living in your current place (for various reasons), the relocation may be refreshing. If you do not like your life as it is and you don’t know why, but you think that moving countries will magically solve all your problems, then relocation may be a huge disappointment. And let me add, that relocation rarely solves any problems, but it surely creates plenty of them.

Finally, I hope the reasons you have for the relocation are YOURS. I hope that you do not consider relocating because other people around you want you to go (or go with them). I hope you feel excited and sure that relocation is exactly what YOU should do.

This is how we went about making a decision on our relocation. Would you add anything? Please comment below.

Now, if after going through all these questions you decided that you are ready to relocate, but do not know how to act upon this decision. Do not worry, we have got you covered. In our next post we will go through the “hows” of relocation.

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